Re-Learning Your Makeup

This week I launched my new course and I am very very excited..

It incorporates two of my favourite things..

Teaching and Live Interactions..

Teaching women how to apply their makeup has honestly been one of the greatest joys of this career. Not just teaching women but meeting women. Women from all walks of life, in so many careers, with so many stories to tell.

Teaching women to apply their own makeup brings me great joy

When I started running makeup lessons, I was struck by how much women, particularly over 40, were HARD on themselves. I noticed so many had gained confidence in some areas but lost it in others. We spend so long looking after other people and suddenly we look in the mirror and realised things have CHANGED!

The flip side is, we are great chat, great fun and have learned not to take ourselves too seriously!

Putting makeup on a twenty or thirty year old face is not the same as a 40, 50, 60 plus year old face. It’s not harder, it just requires slightly different techniques and I felt a strong drive to teach women how to do it.

This was my driving force. Yes you can come and have your makeup done and feel amazing but if I teach you, you can feel good every day!

So, enter my 4 week ‘Re-Learn Your Makeup’ Course, specifically for but not exclusive to, Over 40’s Women who want to start from scratch and re-learn new skills and techniques to learn how to apply flattering makeup to their own faces.

Over 4 zoom calls, the next course starts on 24th April and runs every Monday 8pm-9.30pm until 15th May

We do four looks, starting from basic and build your skills and confidence up each week.

You also get immediate access to my FREE Downloadable E-Book giving you links to all the products, skin preparation and brushes used within the four looks.

So, if you want to revamp how you apply your makeup and are struggling to get makeup to look good on your changing face, join the course and let me teach you everything I know

Dolly xx


Colour Correcting 101


The Importance of Serum